I recently presented a talk at a University of Manchester event trying to bridge the (supposed) gap between the arts and sciences. The talk was given in the Pecha Kucha format which requires the presenter to use 20 slides and to spend exactly 20 seconds on each slide. I thought it would be interesting to post this presentation on our… Read more →
Tag: Scientific Authenticity and Fiction
The “Page 99 Test” as Applied to Lab Coats in Hollywood
Have you ever heard of the “Page 99 Test” as a way of determining the value of a book before you read it? The test is based on a quote by Ford Maddox Ford who believed that a reader could use the contents found on page 99 to quickly assess the merits of a book. According to Maddox Ford, “open… Read more →
Fiction Meets Science: Remediating Science
Fiction Meets Science (FMS) is an international research group that brings together scholars and creative practitioners from across the world to explore the literary and social implications of ‘fiction writers [who] have been creating new kinds of stories about science—its practices and concepts, people and institutions, products and societal fall-out’. FMS is based in Bremen in Germany where David and… Read more →
Nature Swipes Back: The Return of an Environmentally Conscious Cinema
On a recent trip to this year’s Film & History conference I presented my current research in a paper called ‘From Sacred to Scientific: Charlton Heston’s Second Golden Age’. The fascinating post-paper discussion revolved around eco dystopian cinema, with a focus on my work on Soylent Green and Omega Man. Following a discussion of the connections between epics and science… Read more →
The Playing God Project: Exploring the Interactions Among the Biosciences, Religion, and Entertainment Media
The members of the Science and Entertainment Lab have been working for the past year on a project associated with a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award. The goal of the Playing God Project is to examine the intersections between the biosciences, religion and entertainment media. We have posted a summary page on our website explaining what the project is about as… Read more →