Author: Admin

Battlestar Mormonica: Of Gods, Aliens, and Strength Through Technology

When talking about of Battlestar Galactica, science, and religion, one will undoubtedly think of Ronald D. Moore’s re-imagined Battlestar Galactica (BSG) from 2003 rather than its predecessor, Glen A. Larson’s short-lived space opera of 1978. A sci-fi series that was not only uncharacteristically conservative for liberal Hollywood, but has also been regarded as one of the most impressive science fiction… Read more →

Visions of the Afterlife and Transhumanist Wet Dreams

***Warning: Post contains spoilers for the films Avatar (2009) and Transcendence (2014)*** Death is a staple of human existence and it should come as no surprise that throughout history, human communities have developed narratives and practices to cope with death and imagine and enact a possible afterlife. Today, one arena where such narratives are acted out is popular culture and… Read more →

The Playing God Project: Exploring the Interactions Among the Biosciences, Religion, and Entertainment Media

The members of the Science and Entertainment Lab have been working for the past year on a project associated with a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award. The goal of the Playing God Project is to examine the intersections between the biosciences, religion and entertainment media. We have posted a summary page on our website explaining what the project is about as… Read more →